Tuesday, June 27, 2006

We've Got World Cup Soccer Fever....

I don't know about you, but we have been pretty excited about the FIFA World Cup Tournament this past month. We are upset the US Team didn't have a better showing, but are still excited about the Cup and try to watch as much as possible. It least Italy is still alive, the office favorite.

It so cool to finially see some decent Soccer on TV, without having to watch the Spanish networks or watch a game on ESPN2 on Saturday afternoon. Hopefully, we can watch as much as possible, without interfering with work and family life(I think my wife would agree that I have already watched too much!) Anyway, lets all hope for a Great World Cup!

Your Friends at Coconutz Home And Garden.

ps - Don't forget to get a Soccerball Sport Ottoman or Footrest while enjoying the World Cup on TV.


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